sexta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2009

Hollywood Buzz #41

O que se diz lá fora acerca de THE INTERNATIONAL:

«I enjoyed THE INTERNATIONAL. Clive Owen makes a semi-believable hero, not performing too many feats that are physically unlikely.»
Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times.

«THE INTERNATIONAL is so self-assured, so assertive in its devotion to craftsmanship, that it proves Tykwer is continually building on his promise as a filmmaker, not squandering it.»
Stephanie Zacharek,

«THE INTERNATIONAL scampers all over the place, but it's alternately frantic and a little slack, with a hole in the middle where some interesting characters ought to be.»
Todd McCarthy, Variety.

«OK, it doesn't tell you much about the role of banks in the current economic free-fall. But if you want to know, it's a humdinger of a stimulus package.»
Peter Travers, Rolling Stone.

«It's got some effective moments and aspects, but the film goes in and out of plausibility, and its elements never manage to unify into a coherent whole.»
Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times.

2 comentários:

Luís A. disse...

O clive é muito forte!

Já votaste no melhor filme de Paul Verhoeven?

Sam disse...


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