. KILLING THEM SOFTLY, de Andrew Dominik (Em Competição)

«Quando comecei a adaptar o romance ['COGAN'S TRADE', de George V. Higgin], apercebi-me de como é, também, um conto sobre a crise económica, a crise do capitalismo, que parece ser interminável», Andrew Dominik, na conferência de imprensa para KILLING THEM SOFTLY.

«It is outstandingly watchable, superbly and casually pessimistic, a world of slot-mouthed professional and semi-professional criminals always complaining about cleaning up the mess made by other screwups», Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian.
«A tasty modern crime yarn with political overtones, Brad Pitt and an over-weaning sense of style», Todd McCarthy in The Hollywood Reporter.
«Dominik shoots the action in a grimy shallow focus, as if the entire nation is cloaked in a miasma of atomised filth, and his screenplay is tough as beaten steel and shot through with pessimistic, even nihilistic humour», Robbie Collin in The Telegraph.
. THE ANGELS' SHARE, de Ken Loach (Em Competição)

«Na verdade, só nos foi permitido recorrer a termos pouco agressivos. Os restantes, tiveram de ser "cortados". O problema é que a classe média britânica vive obcecada com palavrões», Ken Loach, sobre a censura semi-imposta a THE ANGELS' SHARE.

«It's a freewheeling social-realist caper – unworldly and at times almost childlike», Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian.
«The pic has a pleasantly scratchy realist look, even if its corny heist plotline could have inspired a 1960s Children's Film Foundation quota quickie», Leslie Felperin in Variety.
«Make no mistake, Loach doesn’t want his viewers to take his new film seriously beyond a certain point, and that self-limiting quality makes THE ANGELS' SHARE's light-hearted but dim-witted comedy feel that much more dissatisfying», Simon Abrams in indieWIRE.
. A MÚSICA SEGUNDO TOM JOBIM, de Nélson Pereira dos Santos e Dora Jobim (Fora de Competição)
[Fotos: Site oficial do Festival.]
1 comentário:
Queria estar em Cannes. A sério! :)
Cumprimentos cinéfilos :*
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